Monday, May 20, 2013

Chima wants to PLAY!

At 28 pounds, Chima is a big rat terrier but beyond just her size, her play style is pretty big as well. She slams around and trash talks to an extent that the other dogs, including her sister Salinas, pretty much steer clear of her. If I could get Langley to the point where he could relax around her I'm sure he would love this because Langley enjoys nothing more than having a big female slamming him around. But it could take weeks before he's that comfortable with her and in the meantime, Chima wants to PLAY!

Frodo say "BACK OFF!"

Salinas (right) is not buying into Chima's gentle attempts to engage her in play.

I feel bad for her because clearly she is a pretty young dog and needs some good play time with other dogs. Occasionally she can convince her sister into playing a game of chase, however, Salinas quickly gets intimidated and will do her best to get out of the game. When all else fails, Chima will search out the rotten old rope toy that has been marinating in the back yard for over a year now. I don't have the heart to throw it away as it has some special rotten funk that all the dogs find even more magical than treats at times. She throws it and races around with it like she's found the most incredible prize in the universe as you can see in this video below:

The more she trusts me, the more playful she gets and I am loving this process of watching her true personality start to emerge.

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