Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Beloved Ball

Ellsworth has found a couple JW squeakie footballs in the bottom of the toy bin and decided they are absolutely amazing. He carries one everywhere and even slept with one of them last night. Another funny thing he did is when offered a treat he tried to get the treat into  his mouth without letting go of his football.

Happily he doesn't feel the need to nonstop squeak it but he sure likes to have it close by. Here are some photos from yesterday of Ells and his ball.

Wondering why he has to be on the other side of the gate from me

Keeping his football close while he eats breakfast

Sad because I made him keep his ball inside

Ahh, he has his ball again because foster mom caved and let him run back inside to get it
While it's super cute, I'm always careful when a dog at the house gets strongly attached to a toy since that can lead to some resource guarding. So far with Ells we haven't run into that problem but the other dogs are also not at all interested in the footballs. Ellsworth hasn't tried to guard food or lap time with me from other dogs but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't guard his beloved footballs so I'll just be sure to watch everyone while they are hanging out together.

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