Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ellsworth and Chima Wrestle

Chima is not too sure about Ellsworth. Both of them want to play but when Chima initiates play it is so abrupt that it startles most dogs and when Ellsworth wants to play, Chima gets overwhelmed fairly quickly.

Ellsworth (back) and Chima

Chima has been turning into the fun police every time that Ellsworth gets the zoomies in the living room so I was starting to think that they'd never try to wrestle.

Yesterday though they finally played! I caught about half of it on video. Love Chima's little Judo move of sidestepping him and slapping him with her paw as he sailed past. Chima was a little overwhelmed after about 30 seconds of this and ran under the table and I distracted Ellsworth so she could have a break but I'm happy that Ells finally got one of the dogs to play with him.

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