Friday, May 9, 2014

Ellsworth and Frodo: A One Sided Bromance

Ellsworth is a dog who likes to have a pal. He feels safer that way but he's also just a playful dog, even at 10 years old. He seems to prefer male dogs. In this house I can't blame him since the girls are not to be trifled with.
You can tell from Ellsworth's ears and him looking away that he's not fully sure of Chima's motives for jumping up next to him on the couch. This time she was just photobombing but Ells was smart to question her.

What's unfortunate though is that the object of Ellsworth's affection is Frodo and Frodo is notoriously snobbish to new foster dogs. That doesn't keep Ells from trying though. He regularly checks in with Frodo to see if this is the time he won't get snubbed. Poor Ells. So much hope mixed up with a dash of obsession.
Ellsworth: Hey Frodo, whatcha looking at? Whatcha doing? Wanna play?


Ellsworth: Okay, I'll just wait right here until you're ready to play. How long do you think that will be? 15 seconds? 20 seconds? Any guesses?

There was some progress today though. Ellsworth dropped into play position and then bopped around on his belly with his nub wagging at full speed. Frodo actually started to play with him and there was a bit of chase however, it only lasted about 2 seconds before Frodo got nervous and ended things. 

Keep trying Ellsworth. He'll learn to love you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is hilarious :)