Friday, December 27, 2013

Tilly Time

My older girl Tilly spent the first 6-7 years of her life in a puppy mill and try as I might, I haven't been able to fully extinguish her desire to mark regularly. As a result she spends a lot of time in the kitchen which she has made into her Tillydom. When I am having some uninterrupted play time with the dogs though, she comes out to join us.

She doesn't really play with the other dogs but she spends her time sniffing everything. Like Chima, Tilly enjoys a good sniffabout more than anything so off she goes, checking the perimeter, finding every spot that has been peed on in spite of the enzyme cleaner I pour by the gallon on our carpet. After she has done a complete sniffdown of the room she sniffs the dogs.
Chima and Tilly

Chima, Chile and Tilly in a sniff-go-round

Chile is an excellent photobomber

But what to do when everything is fully sniffed? Head over to someone's cozy crate for a snooze.
Tilly settling down into Chima's big crate for a nap

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