Saturday, December 21, 2013

Snow Day!

On Friday we woke up to about 1/2" of snow. Because we are so close to the water, we don't get snow that often so it was a bit of a novelty. It is quite possibly the first snow that Chima, Salinas and Chile have seen so I wanted to get some video.

Chile was unimpressed and tore around the yard in his usual manner so no good photos or video of him. Salinas didn't like the cold and hopped around on 3 legs to have minimal body touching the ground. Chima hadn't had her breakfast yet so she decided she might as well eat the snow.

By the time I was back home from work the rain had washed away all the snow and that was it. Instead we had wind which had blown down some fresh branches and fir cones to chew so they were plenty happy with that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay hopefully chile won't have to adapt to all the snow here. It took Chino a few days to understand it haha