Thursday, November 15, 2012

Battle of the Antler

Neah and Langley have been getting along great.  They wrestle, they play tug, then they wrestle some more. They even chillax together next to each other in their crates.
Langley with his piggie on the left; Neah snoozing on the right

While Neah can be a bit submissive with people, she's not at all that way with Langley and recently this had Langley quite flummoxed since he's used to always getting his way when other dogs are involved.

Neah picked out an antler from the toy bin that she thought was the very best thing EVER.  She carried it around and then curled up with it on the couch for a good chew.  Langley, who has not noticed this antler in the 3 months its been in the house, suddenly decided that if Neah thought it was that good then it really must be the best thing ever. 

So he tried the move that is so successful on Frodo.  He charged at her full speed, stopped short and kind of snapped at her head.  Neah didn't even bat an eye.  She continued to chew and was completely unimpressed. When that didn't work he stood over the top of her as she lay there chewing and chewed on her ear.  Still, not even a flick of the eye in his direction.  This antler was that good.

Langley finally sat down, perplexed, and stared at Neah, trying to solve the puzzle of how to get that dang antler.

His next plan was to just creep on over, gently bite the other end of the antler and slowly pull it out of her mouth. She continued to chew. He tugged harder and she bit down harder. Finally, after having enough, she let go of the antler, growled and snapped at him grabbed it back and sat down again to chew.  Well, Langley figured he was at least on to something and tried again.  This time her reaction was more sudden.
"Back away from the antler, NOW!"

After letting him know she wasn't to be messed with, she chewed a little longer and then got up and went in search of the kneecap she had seen in the toy basket, leaving the antler on the couch. Langley quickly claimed the antler and sat there but it was a bitter victory since she didn't care about it any longer.
Langley: "what just happened,here?"

He sat there with his prize for a bit until he couldn't stand it any longer and had to go check out what other treasure she might unearth from the depths of that toy basket.

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