Sunday, January 17, 2016

Seuss the Snoozer

Seuss if very serious about his sleep. So much so that he can get a bit grumpy when other dogs are moving around near him when he is trying to rest. We've been working on reinforcing him when he is tolerant of any movement around him and also catching his attention and distracting him before he has the chance to grump. It's worked really well and the result is that he didn't react a bit the last couple times that Sal decided to curl up next to him. Typically he chooses to sleep on the opposite end of the couch than where the people and other dogs are so this is good progress for him.

Sal and Seuss

His favorite sleeping position is the pike position which always looks silly to me.

Sleeping in "pike position"

He's also started choosing to snuggle up next to me occasionally. My guess is that the more settled and safe he feels, the more he will choose to be closer to the rest of us when he sleeps.

Snoozing next to foster mom

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