Saturday, August 2, 2014

Stinky Dogs

After someone pooped in a crate on the drive back to our house after meeting the transport and then proceeded to dance in it, it was time for a deep cleaning.

Happily two of the girls were sent on their merry way this morning and had their baths elsewhere but Serra is ours and little baby Plum is with us until Sunday afternoon.

Plum is looking pretty bedraggled after her bath.

Neither girl was very impressed with the double shampooing plus a round of conditioner that they received but in the end we had two very clean girls and had managed to dislodge and wash away any leftover poop chunks from the night before.

"You're going to do conditioner now?! You've got to be kidding me!!" 

Plum went first and was quite stoic about the whole thing, probably because at 3 pounds she's too little to jump out of my doggy bath tub. She has this super soft, longish fur and looked pretty cute all sudsed up.

Serra shaking off

Serra has really thick, course, and kind of curly fur and when she was wet down it got even curlier. Very cute but boy did her fur hold onto the dirt and soap. It took a lot of rinsing and we were both relieved when the ordeal was complete.
"Point me towards some dirt please."

Of course since her bath Serra has done a lot of rolling around in the yard so she doesn't smell as pretty as she did this morning but she still is fresh and relatively clean.

Plum, getting some lap time now that she's all clean and fluffy.

Serra, enjoying scooting around to get some of the "stink" of clean off of her. 

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