Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Collaring a Pup

The pups are so small that their collars don't fit. Since a loose collar is quite dangerous (pups can get their jaw stuck around part of it or more easily get hung up on things) for the most part they aren't wearing them. However, they need to get used to the feel of a collar and things like what it feels like to be on a leash, or the feel of a human holding onto their collar.

So when the pups go outside for potty breaks or playtime and I am right there following them around we practice with the collars. Juniper was completely unphased by it and went on with her hunt for things to chew on.
Juniper finds a leaf much more interesting than her collar.

Nom, nom, nommm...

Mesquite on the other hand was quite interested in his collar and at first tried to kick it off. When that didn't work, he decided chewing on the tags was quite fun but they were too tough to catch.
Mesquite tries to scratch off his collar

But practice makes perfect so we'll keep working on it and before you know they'll be old pros.

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