Friday, September 21, 2012

The Mighty 10 Pound Hunter

When I get a new foster dog it can be overwhelming - getting him registered with New Rattitude, taking photos and creating an online album, combing through the shelter paperwork to determine what vetting has been done, if any, trips to the vet, etc.  But the fun part of having a new foster is getting to know the personality of a new dog.  We learn the silly things about how they like to sleep, what toys they prefer, what their bark sounds like and how much they use it...  We also learn about behavioral things like how they get along with other dogs, people, kids and cats, if they've ever had any experiences living in a house, if they've ever been house-trained, etc. All that information can then come together for us to try to find a home that is a good match for a dog's unique personality and needs.  That's the journey we've been on with Samish.

In the house Samish is a calm and quiet little guy.  He gets along with the other dogs and seems happiest when curled up and snoozing in someones lap. He does fine in a crate, doesn't like vegetables, and seems to be house trained.  But once he gets outside this guy turns into a hunting machine!  I swear he's nearly as compulsive about it as Langley.

Samish, climbing through the bamboo hedge to get to a mouse in the woodpile
The difference is that at 10 pounds this guy can fit almost anywhere.  He goes under the 12" deck portion, into the dense bamboo hedge, behind sheds that are pushed against a fence...  What is worrisome though is that when the prey goes over the fence, like any evil squirrel tends to do, he doesn't let that stop him.  He then searches for fence holes, high spots near the ground, spots that could be widened with a little bit of digging.

Because I was so worried that he'd escape and also because getting him to come inside is next to impossible, I've been putting him on an extendable leash when in the back yard and watching him like a hawk.  We're going to have to be really careful when placing him that he doesn't have access to a doggy door and also that his people understand this is a determined little terrier that shouldn't be left alone in a back yard. Ever.

He went to the vet's office on Wednesday to have an exam and get his microchip inserted.  The vet said that he is younger than we were told - probably 2-3 yrs rather than 4-5 yrs.  His knees, heart and lungs were good, however, we discovered the reason for his somewhat stiff gait and occasional trouble negotiating stairs.  On one side his hip is stiff and when his leg is moved around makes a crunchy/clicking sound that I don't want to hear again. Ick.  He doesn't seem to be in any pain from it and was fine having the Dr. manipulate it.  The vet's speculation (can't confirm it without x-rays) is that he has a healed hip fracture and was probably hit by a car at some point.  That would make sense given his single mindedness when he is outside in search of prey.

Anyhow, there's a little more of what we've discovered about this sweet boy who is snoozing in my lap while I type.  I'd better go now and get his breakfast ready - minus any extra veggies, of course.

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