Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Latest

So all sorts of stuff has happened since I last blogged and life has been getting in the way of me keeping the blog up to date.

Quixote arrived and is the best little guy. He had his knee surgery and this week the bandages were removed. Now the challenge is getting him to start putting weight on the leg again since he's a bit of a wuss and avoids any chance of pain at all costs. It's only been a few days though so we'll see how he's doing in another week. In the photo above you can see him all wrapped up and enjoying a cone-free moment.

Franny took awhile to get used to Quixote but with 2 weeks of slow introduction they now are actually wrestling and playing tug together. This is going to be key in getting Franny acclimated in a new home. She just needs someone who is calm and patient and will slowly let her adjust. When it comes to people though she is quick to adopt you as her new best friend, especially if you pet her and hand her a few treats. Then her nub starts wagging so fast it just looks like a blur.

Sweet little Jake has an application all the way over in Edmonton, Alberta. He will have a rattie brother and sister to keep him company up there and get to spend lots of time hiking, the lucky little guy.

Frodo had a lesion removed from his left front armpit. We were pretty scared about it, but thankfully it was just a benign histiocytoma so there's nothing to worry about now. Both he and Quixote are very happy that they are now cone-free.

Only a couple weeks until the Rat Terrier Jamboree in Sweetwater, Tennessee. I'll be flying there to hang out and enjoy all the other rat terrier fans and getting a chance to meet the rescuers that I spend so much time communicating online about. It is absolutely beautiful country-side there in SE Tennessee and the April weather in gorgeous. If you ever have some vacation time in April I highly recommend attending.

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