You see, as a puppy Frodo had his own polar fleece blankie that he dragged around like he was Linus in a Charlie Brown cartoon. At bedtime he'd run and find the blanket and drag it up the stairs to the bed. This was all very sweet and cute when he was 10 weeks old and struggling to pull a blanket much bigger than him. However he hit doggy puberty and "blankie" turned into "girlfriend." After that he took to wadding the polar fleece into a ball and humping away on it endlessly. Every evening around 8 pm out would come the blanket and Frodo would get jiggy. It ended up that we finally had to ban polar fleece blankets from him - he was a total sex addict, even after being neutered.
So now, almost 2 years later Suki enters the picture. In her crate she has a sweet pink flowered fleece throw that she likes to pull out of the crate and drag around. Now Suki too has reached puberty and since she's gone into heat she's taken to compulsively scraping and wadding up the blanket into a "nest". Unfortunately when Frodo sees her perfect little nest it's like a little light bulb flashes on over his head and all of a sudden he's grabs the blanket and gets busy bustin' a move.
So last night after two rounds of Suki making a nest and Frodo grabbing said nest and humping it, Miss Thing had had enough. She sat next to it and when Frodo slunk in and tried to grab it from the PMS Queen suddenly there was a blur of fur as Suki went all "Charlie's Angels" on his ass. The result is the sweet pink flowered blanket now sits atop the bookshelf and is only brought down at night to put in her crate when it's bedtime.
The photo above was taken awhile back, however, I felt the blur that is Suki perfectly represented last night's situation.
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