Here's an easy way to help raise money for rescue dogs with no work on your part and no money out of your pocket. Sound too good to be true? It isn't.
The online search engine,, allows you to pick a charity and then everytime you do a search from their Website they give the charity 1 cent. It doesn't seem like a lot but those pennies quickly add up. Last year Ratbone raised over $500 through this program and that was the first year they started using it! If everyone keeps spreading the word that number will keep going up.
What you need to do is go to the home page and you'll see a spot that says "Who do you goodsearch for?" Choose "Ratbone Rescues (Jacksonville, FL)" and then contine on with whatever it is you are searching for. To make it easy to remember to use you can download a Goodsearch tool bar or a smaller search box to fit in your current tool bar. Another option is to save it to your "favorites" after you have chosen Ratbone as your charity. That way everytime you open the page from your favorites it will open with the charity already chosen.
Just so you know, Ratbone Rescues is based out of Jacksonville, Florida, however the group actively rescues dogs throughout the United States and in parts of Canada. Because the group is entirely run by volunteers and the dogs are kept in foster homes there is no overhead so all of your money is "going to the dogs," so to speak. (pun intended)
Thorn is a STARRRR!!!
5 years ago
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