Saturday, September 5, 2015


I received an email from Rigby's mom the other day and he sure has hit the jackpot.

His skin is staying nice and itch-free and he's started trying out some raw food which he thinks is amazing and scarfs right down. His mom recently made him and his brother Skip rain coats since Rigby hates the rain and Skip doesn't mind it but his fur soaks up water like a sponge. While they aren't that impressed with wearing coats, Rigby doesn't seem to mind walking in the rain as much so that is a good thing.

The boys are looking dubious as to whether rain coats are a good idea.

And guess what? The boy who wasn't that interested in toys has fallen under the magic spell of the Egg Baby plush toy. He loves to chase the eggs around and play fetch with it.

And apparently he is getting better at leaving their kitty alone who is a big guy and doing a good job at teaching Rigs that cats are best enjoyed at a distance.

Hanging out under the table while his family plays a game

Rigby holds a special place in my heart - both because he is amazingly sweet but also because he and I spent so much time together getting his skin healthy. We will be watching him for a couple days in October so stay tuned for more Rigby posts then.

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