Today was Magill's neuter surgery and unfortunately there was a complication. He's doing fine now but when they went to get him for me when I was picking him up early afternoon, they noticed he was peeing blood.
The vet requested that we leave him and she planned to re-anesthetize him and open him back up to see what the problem was.
Ends up that she put a stitch through his urethra when she was tying off the stitches. This vet has done a ton of spays and neuters for me and has always had exemplary work with not even any bruising around the surgery site. Mistakes happen and while I am not happy it happened on one of my dogs, I'm not going to throw any fits.
She restitched things, and he is now urinating normally and so far there is no blood in the urine. He's back home and letting us know he's not happy about the confinement. The complication we have to watch for is scarring that can block the urethra. So send healing thoughts to our little boy. He is pretty sore and very much frustrated that I won't let him tear around or give him food yet.
Thorn is a STARRRR!!!
5 years ago
Poor baby. I had one that was allergic to the dissolvable stitches. That was a mess. Give him kisses!
I had that happen to one of my fosters too, Penny after she had surgery for her inguinal hernias. Scary!
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