Friday, April 25, 2014

O'Keefe and the Pack

While O'Keefe isn't real excited about other dogs he's also not completely freaked out by them either. He's not a guy who has to be kept separate from other dogs but I am just careful that when he's interacting with dogs that I'm paying full attention to their interactions. If someone starts to seem more uncomfortable (or in Chima's case, more snarky) I get in the middle of things and redirect their attention onto me by playing some games. Our goal is fun, not fights.

The best way to keep things positive and relaxed is to keep the dogs interested in things other than each other. I walk around a lot to keep things moving and sometimes we practice cues that each of them are working on. When the treats are flowing and the fun level is high, that means that it's one more positive experience that I've given O'Keefe to help him realize that dogs can be fun.

Today we made the most of the sunshine and took lots of outside breaks. Chima, Salinas and him had a lot of fun sniffing around, and we played recall games as well as practicing cues for touch, spin, and sit.

The longer he's here, the more comfortable he is around the girls, and also the girls are cutting him more slack and not getting as offended when he happens to run into them or land on them when he's bouncing.

Both dogs are not so sure about being close together. You can see that they are leaning slightly away from each other.
O'Keefe decides he's a little too close for comfort and moves apart and lifts his paw in an appeasement gesture. Chima's not taking her eyes off the treats though.

I'm proud of him because he has learned to moderate himself around the girls and in turn, Chima has decided he might be kind of fun and today actually dropped into play position, inviting him to chase. They are all doing great!

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