Thursday, March 6, 2014

Working on Brave

Klee is pretty nervous when it comes to new places but once she settles in she's a typical full tilt puppy - ready for play and tearing around. Since she is now completely comfortable at our house I decided to stretch her horizons a bit.

She needed to visit the vet to have her microchip inserted. I thought that might be all she was up for and I'd give her something yummy to chew on for the ride home but after the vet she seemed in good spirits so we drove to my work, a natural pet store, so she could explore.

The parking lot was pretty worrisome so we took it slow and she set the pace. It took a couple minutes to get inside, but that's okay. Inside she continued to be a bit worried but perked right up when she saw my co-worker who she had never met, Mia, and tore over to her for some attention. After that her tail started to come up a bit and she proceeded to give the store a sniff down.

"Do you think this is a good color on me?"

So many good things to sniff! Duck feet, lamb ears, cow hooves, alligator bones, bully sticks in every shape and size... And then all the bags of food and the best - CAT TOYS! So many feathers waiting to be destroyed.

Feet, and ears and hooves, OH MY!

Klee picked out a 12" braided bully stick

But instead she got a 4" bully spring - better size for a 9 pound puppy

I think what she was most interested in was the store cat, Sorcha. They stood twenty paces apart and proceeded to have a stare down and very little would distract either of them. I could tell that given the chance Klee would definitely chase a kitty and even when she was a bit nervous, she could not let the cat thing go. Sounds like a kitty in her future home may not be a good idea. After about 10 minutes we made our purchases - a lamb ear and a small bully spring for the drive home. Nice work, Klee!

Standing at alert and ready to chase that evil store cat, Sorcha!

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