Friday, June 5, 2009

More heading home

Well, Cosmo headed home last week and little Miss Phoebe will likely be on her way this week. She has a great application with a couple who have experience with tiny little "microdogs" like Feebs is. She is continuing to eat well and should be at a healthy weight soon.

While we were on a road trip she was watched by some friends and one of them teaches developmentally disabled high school students. Phoebe went to work with this friend and one of the non-verbal students started talking at school for the first time, telling people all about her pets and calling out when she thought Phoebe was lonely back in her little crate. It was a wonderful breakthrough and all thanks to a tiny little speck of a dog. What a great girl Miss Feebs is.

We have one, possibly 2 new dogs coming from Dallas tomorrow. A male we named Spock for his very pointy rattie ears (pictured above), and a female that we haven't named yet but the shelter is calling Annabelle. She was on the euthanasia table and they had tried 4 times to get a line in to put her to sleep. After the 4th try they decided not to test fate and called around to rescue groups in a last ditch effort to save her. We don't have many details about her other than the story I just told and that she is a rat terrier.

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