In all the craziness, I've yet to introduce our foster dog Einstein. He's 1 year old, about 12 pounds and is extremely shy. I don't know if someone has been mean to him or if he was just never socialized to humans but it takes awhile to get him to come to a person. The good thing is that as much as he is afraid of people, he craves affection which means with time and patience he should relax and start to enjoy people.
He loves dogs though, and he and Tilly are best of buds. I swear that Tilly recognizes all the short little Teddy Roosevelt ratties like herself and likes them best. She bosses poor Einstein around to no end, but he doesn't seem to mind. I wonder if Einstein has some corgi mixed in with the rat terrier because his proportions seem more in line with a corgi than a Teddy Roosevelt and he has a curly tail.
Yesterday Einstein was neutered and we just got him home this morning. I think that I'll take him to work with me this afternoon so I can keep an eye on him. He is not at all happy about the cone and looks up at me with the most forlorn eyes, as if he can't understand how the one person he trusted could be so cruel to him.