Friday, March 29, 2013

Zuni and her BIG antler

Zuni is a puppy and puppies love to chew. While we have a wide assortment of chews just lying there in the living room for the taking, Zuni has decided that Langley's ginormous antler is her favorite. Luckily, Langley isn't super attached to it like he is his pig toys.

It's not just any old antler. This is a big old hunk of elk antler and is probably about a quarter of her body weight. Most of the photos I take make the antler look smaller than it is because it gets foreshortened but the photo above gives you an idea of what a ridiculously proportioned chew she has chosen as her own. And I just love her for that. If a chew is good then more of a chew must be better, right?


She chews it on the couch, and while she lies on my lap and under the table and on her dog bed. Pretty much any place is a good place to chew and her hunk of antler in her book.

And the rest of us - dogs and humans - love that antler too. We love it because when Zuni is focused on chewing, she's not focused on us! No running leaps over the dogs or hanging from a pant leg trying to get me to pay attention. Just a blessed chewing noise that means calm has descended and puppy mayhem is avoided for a few more minutes.

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