Tuesday, April 30, 2013


My "weekend" is midweek and some of that time is spent getting chores done, especially after one of the foster dogs go home and we have crates to clean and put away, bowls to wash, etc.

Whenever I do chores I am supervised carefully and my supervisors bark if I slack on the job or forget to dust the treat jar. 

Frodo always likes to avoid vacuum cords and supervises from on high where he has a good view of the living room, dining room and entry way.

Langley wants to know if dogs need to "sit" for vacuuming and if so are food rewards involved, 'cause hey look, he's got a pretty stellar sit.
Showing off his calm, well mannered sit and getting nothing for his efforts this time

Once he found out there was no food reinforcers involved in vacuum time and it was more boring than anticipated he decided to watch the entry for Troy to come home. It was 3 hours before Troy was going to be home from work, but hey, Langley always likes to be prepared.
Hobbs still seems interested but Langley finds  has other things to concentrate on

Sweeping the entryway was pretty interesting to them though. Probably because it contains the door to the dog food closet as well as the cabinet with the treat can. Any activity in that space is worth watching.
Langley and Hobbs, supervising the sweeping of the entryway

When it was time to sweep the kitchen a rare thing happened and Hobbs and Tilly shared Tilly's favorite cat bed. I think Hobbs was a little worried so he stuck by Tilly for moral support.
Hobbs and Tilly sharing one of Tilly's beds

Glad I have such great supervisors to make sure I don't miss any spots.

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